Hi readers!
If you’ve been following me for a while and reading my Monthly Empties posts you know that I absolutely LOVE the Shiseido Facial Cotton. Yes they are expensive ($11 CAD) but I find they’re worth every penny. They’re SO soft, and they don’t flake or tear apart when you use them. Did I mention that they’re SOOO soft?!? 🙂
While at Shoppers Drug Mart a few weeks ago I noticed that Quo had some very similar Luxury Cotton Facial Pads so I immediately grabbed them.
Let’s see how they compare…
As you can see the packages look very similar.
One thing I like about the Quo packaging is that it’s easy to open with a little tear-apart strip at the top, and there’s a slider closure so you can close the bag afterwards.
You have to cut open the Shiseido packaging and you can’t close it afterwards. Once it’s open, it’s open.
Now let’s compare the pads.
They have the same length, but the Quo pad is wider and thinner.
I ripped them in two to see how easy it would be and the Quo pad was way easier than the Shiseido pad to tear in two. I don’t know if you can tell from the picture below, the but Shiseido fibres seem more in line with each other, whereas the Quo fibres just go all over the place.
The Quo pads flake easier than the Shiseido pads (which ties in to them ripping up easier). When I was taking these pictures, the Quo pad got stuck on a bit of dry skin next to my nail and some fibres came off. I’ve never had that happen with the Shiseido pads in years of using them – not that I can recall anyway. It’s one of the [many] things I love about them.
Do the Quo pads work well? They’re ok. I use them with miscellar water to cleanse my eyes, and with other liquid products I need to apply on my face (toners and such). (I use the Shiseido pads for the same things.) I feel like there are little cotton fibres flying around my face when I use them, and once I’m done applying something over my entire face, they feel like they’re just about to start flaking off on my face.
As for softness, the Quo pads are soft, but not as soft as the Shiseido pads.
So, are the Quo Luxury Facial Cotton Pads a dupe for my beloved Shiseido Facial Cotton? No. They’re just ok for me.
I believe the Quo package was on sale when I picked it up and it was $6.99 CAD. They’ve been sold out ever since though so I have not been able to see their real price. Anyone know?
Are you loyal to a product like I am to these Shiseido Facial Cotton? What do you use as your facial cotton pads?
– Chantal 🙂
Computer geek by day and super mom by night, Chantal loves to try products of any kind and share her thoughts with the world.